Now this was a small kitchen.

Major positive was that I would finally have a dishwasher even if it was a tiny one and around the corner from the sink. First things on the list to change was the startling main focal point of a magnetic knife rack, and 25% of the counter space being used for a microwave. I loved the built ins, and charm of the upper cabinets.

At first, the goal was just to clean it up, and cover it up as much as possible. I was thrilled to have my Mom's Pierre Deux curtains to tie the entire French Country look together.

I know it seems hard to believe, but it still held a lot of people. If I was cooking for a party, at least 6 or 8 of us could fit in there and catch up while I was finishing up last minute details.
The first time I cooked my husband dinner there early on, I thought it would be a snap to sear some Ahi Tuna steaks with no hood vent. Of course, I'd never seared anything at that point, so why would I know it was a key element?. Result? A panic stricken me, as the fire alarm started to go off on what was supposed to be a quiet evening in. Luckily, it was only within my place, because I was having visions of a 100 unit condo building tenants filing outside with their pets in their jammies soaking wet from building sprinklers.

I mean, faux ivy that close to an open flame looks like a good idea, right?
After a while, the white Formica really got to me. I can remember making this awesome grapefruit beet salad and crossing my fingers double tight when I was straining that deep purple water over those things.
My husband moved in and it was our last remodel in the space before we moved out. We got to go to his friends stone yard and pick out the counter tops, but it was iffy if they could get the gorgeous white and gray quartz that I was wanting, so we had to pick a back up. They informed us we wouldn't find out until they showed up to install which one was available. I was at work, and my husband called to tell me they couldn't get the one I wanted, and I was sunk. The other one had flecks of brown, and just wasn't as luxurious looking. Of course it was the beginning of many tricks that he's pulled on me, and I came home from work to see these beauties installed, and I was overjoyed.

A fresh coat of a cool watery gray, and the biggest showpiece of the place, a new 2 drawer Fisher and Paykal dishwasher. People really thought we were nuts for not following the trend of doing everything stainless, but I still stand by my decision. This kitchen was small and sweet, and now properly updated with more counter space and some glam with the pressed foil back splash (also all the rage on Trading Spaces at the time). Don't look too closely, it's pretty hard to make it level when the space provided is actually crooked.