Last year, we started a challenge of creating teams for the annual Fishtown 5K race. It brought some friendly competition among shopkeepers and staff, and helped all of us make a goal of completing a 5K, while supporting one of our favorite causes, the Fishtown Preservation Society. Here is our team from last year!

I could not have felt more proud to have the support of friends and family to help us earn 1st place for biggest team.

All I kept hearing these four yelling periodically through the race was "Real Men wear Leland gal". Love them.
As the first day of spring lingers in the morning, it's time to start asking yourself if you are ready to run (or walk) a 5K this summer and start NOW! The couch to 5K app has helped me accomplish this a few times, and if I can do it, you can do it! Please consider joining our team for the Fishtown 5K 2014 on July 19th! Here's how to join us! (Click Here) We will even send motivating e mails (if that's your preference) to get you going. You can do this!