Meet Chelsey! She is a fellow creative Michigan girl through and through.  I want to tell you a little bit about this amazing fashion student, and share how she thinks outside of the box with her Ditty Bag for school.

I don't know how Chelsey found out about Leland gal at first, but boy am I glad she did. Chelsey manages the Haystacks upstairs from my Shanty in Fishtown.  From the very first day that I opened, Chelsey has been right there supporting our dream, and even took some gorgeous pics for us the first week we opened.

An aspiring Fashion Designer at Kendall in Grand Rapids, she is working hard on learning the business, and building her own brand Poppy Things. She is NOT charging enough, so get it while you can folks, because her prices will be going UP! Not only is she talented in creating, she also does all of her own beautiful photography for her site.

Chelsey contacted me this fall to ask me some details on the history of Leland gal, and then she told me why. She said one of her assignments was to do a presentation on a famous designer, and she chose me. It is to date one of the biggest honors of my life, it makes me blush, and I just want to hug her all over again for thinking of Leland gal in this way. Here is the front page of her presentation power point.

Chelsey's Questionnaire:

Hometown: Cedar, MI

Favorite Movie: Down to You

Favorite Song to dance to: All About That Bass by: Meghan Trainor

Aspiring to: Share my Leelanau County roots in a creative and inspiring way.

Favorite Creative Pastime: Acrylic painting

How has your upbringing influenced your creativity?  My upbringing is as "Leelanau County" as it gets.  I grew up on a hill in Cedar that has a view of the sunrise over Lake Leelanau on the east, and the view of our pasture and the sunset over the trees on the west.  My family grows Angus beef, cherries, and pumpkins.  I had fields to run through, skies to look up to, and color pallets created by our county left and right.  The influence of the beauty from our area made me want to capture it in my own way, and that's when I took to painting and drawing.  No one in my family is really "artistic."  I'm kind of the odd ball when it comes to my creativity, but it's nice because I have found my own creative voice.

How do you Leland gal?

"In my ditty bag are all of my drawing pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and an exact-o knife.  I carry my ditty bag to every class, and it's kind of symbolic in a way--my creative tools are wrapped in a reminder of home.  Home really influences my creativity a lot, especially in my clothing design."

You can keep up with Chelsey by following her on Facebook, or purchase directly on her etsy site, Poppy Things.



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