Today is a landmark day, as we embark on our second season, and I just want to thank everyone who has been so supportive.

This is where it all started, my first attempt at sewing using this new fabric created from the Leland Wine and Food Fest painting. The fabric was ordered for Christmas presents for family, and my first real aim at using a sewing machine. It was so much more difficult and time consuming than I thought, but I was determined to make it work.

Luckily, I smartened up, and stuck to the creative end, and went on to trust some of the most talented seamstresses I've ever seen. That Christmas of 2012 was the first and last time I will ever use a sewing machine. I'm so glad I did it to learn and appreciate the meticulous nature of the craft, but my time is better spent painting, designing, and marketing.

My mom has always forced me to look back at moments in my life to see progress, and this is a good example. It's hard to believe that a full time business stemmed from these few projects.

As I sit here and try to list in my mind all of the people who have supported, helped, encouraged, suggested, networked, the list is just gigantic, completely overwhelming, and literally international. Every single one of you has helped to give me the confidence to push forward and come up with even more outrageous color combinations, and paint with a new perspective. This has equated to pure joy in seeing things through from ideas to final products. It is from the bottom of my heart, that I thank you for this. I also thank those who have been discouraging, negative, and critical. Without you, I wouldn't have a deeper motivation to prove you wrong.

To honor my biggest supporters and my biggest critics on opening day of our second season, I am offering 15% off of your purchases today only. If you are shopping online, please enter wemadeit! as a coupon code at checkout, and if you can make it to the store, you can bring in a piece of paper with the same mantra and we will honor you as well! Thank you!